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Executive Search and Recruitment
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GME logo
Group Procurement Manager
June 2024
January Group are pleased to announce the appointment of the new Group Procurement Manager
at GME in Sydney.
What we do
 "Our business is -
finding the right person
for your organisation"
We work with Australian and New Zealand listed companies, privately held businesses, professional services firms and government agencies.

We have an extensive international network and we work tirelessly to run a disciplined search and recruitment process to ensure our clients attract top talent.

Every client has an important employment brand. We work proactively to promote and protect your brand by ensuring we understand your business.

Any new person must fit the culture, align with your values, and understand your vision. Having the right skills and experience is a prerequisite and we have the business experience to understand your brief and vet candidates to ensure their skills and experience match what you’re looking for.

We work hard to get this right every time.

Protecting your employment brand by working professionally and being approachable with all candidates is critical to our success.

Our specialist areas
  • Chief Executive and C-Suite Executives including
  • Partners & Directors in Professional Services Firms
  • Finance  |  Commercial Managers
  • Operations  |  Supply Chain  |  Procurement
  • Human Resources
  • Consultants
  • Programme Directors
  • Project Managers  |  Change Managers
  • Directorships
Our industry expertise
  • Professional services firms
  • Financial services
  • Agri-business and horticulture
  • Infrastructure including Ports
  • Retail
  • FMCG and consumer goods manufacturing
  • Construction and heavy industry
  • Pharmaceuticals distribution
  • Food service
  • 3rd and 4th party logistics providers
  • Technology product and service providers
  • Government agencies - central and local government
  • Healthcare
  • Not-for-profit organisations
Search local - or search global
global search
Many of our clients require specialised knowledge and skills and also value international experience.

As well as a database of over 10,000 candidates January Group has an extensive network of people and organisations that we maintain regular contact with throughout Australia and New Zealand.

it's about you
We spend time to understand what your business and culture is about. We will only present the most suitable candidates to you and we work hard to ensure a diverse range of candidates are considered. This means your valuable time can be utilised to evaluate a shortlist that meets your requirements.

Our strength lies in our previous experience in business, our deep functional knowledge, and our extensive Australian, New Zealand and international network of professionals.
